The herbal remedies are surprisingly fast to work, I renamed it “the magic” as it’s so amazing.

I have suffered with IBS for 12 years. The severity changed during different periods of my life until recently when it was at its worst. I was totally frustrated by the lack of help from my GP and needed to do something about it as it was affecting every area of my life.
When I looked into herbal therapy I was quite sceptical but soon after meeting Roisin my life started to improve.
The herbal remedies are surprisingly fast to work, I renamed it “the magic” as it’s so amazing.

The NLP therapy from Roisin is brilliant; she is very easy to talk to without being judgmental. It really feels like she cares about my health and well-being. My life has improved drastically for the better I would recommend this very under-rated treatment to anyone.

Julie (Manchester, Sales Rep)


IBS is a condition that is caused when the muscles lining the intestines do not constrict and relax at the proper rate.  This causes food to move through the intestines either too slowly or too quickly. Bloating , wind, constipation, diarrhoea, pain, anxiety and depression are some of the ways IBS can impact on your life. IBS can be a challenging condition to overcome,  it restricts the foods that you can eat, your social life, and often even the clothes that you wear. It may impact on your ability to perform well at work and your relationships.

IBS is surprisingly common affecting 1 in 5 people at some point in their live’s, however the solution remains uncommon. Each of us is unique, with this condition affecting sufferers for reasons particular to them. Finding your way out can be tricky and it helps when you have support.

Julie received a holistic approach to treating her IBS ensuring the right level of emotional, physical and nutritional care. Firstly it was important to understand how her body arrived at this condition. A detailed case history provided the sign posts for what went wrong and when. Sometimes we find the onset correlates with a particularly stressful life event or sequence of events. It may have followed another illness or come with a change of lifestyle or diet. Understanding you and your body is the key to knowing which way to go next.

There are more nerve endings in the gut than in the brain, so it is no wonder when we get anxious that it affects our digestion. Therefore a key element of treatment was to reduce the anxiety. NLP techniques were applied with excellent affect to deal with old traumas and create new behaviour patterns, leaving Julie more confident and vastly reducing her symptoms

Herbal medicine  works in harmony with your body. Soothing the nervous system, reducing the spasms in the gut and facilitating the digestion, resulting in no bloating and no more pain and healthy bowel movements. Herbs like chamomile, agrimony, arctic rose and barberry were prescribed. Each patient’s prescription is tailored to take into account their unique story and what brought them to where they are now.

When it comes to nutrition and IBS, it can be a mine field. My patients will often say things like ‘everything makes me bloat’ ‘I try to eat healthy but nothing changes’ sound familiar? It makes sense that when a system is already irritated what ever goes into it is going to be uncomfortable. Ever tried washing out a cut with water , it hurts like crazy. Taking the right herbs alongside the dietary changes makes all the difference as they re-train the gut to behave naturally again.

When we combine these three approaches it begins working straight away which means you don’t have to wait to feel better.  With each day that passes by you’ll just feel better and better; you’ll love your new adventure, and the new you!

Email now to book a FREE consultation.





Self Help Diet tips for IBS sufferers


Foods to avoid


Avoid foods high in fast releasing sugars such as, confectionary, cakes and biscuits. Avoid raw vegetables, salads and raw fruit.


Avoid saturated fats from red meat and dairy food, as these tend to exacerbate the symptoms of IBS. Fat is slow to digest therefore slowing down the transit of food in the gut. The longer the food is there the more it ferments creating bloating.


Avoid protein from red meat and  dairy foods (Live yoghurt is ok) as these tend to be inflammatory due to the saturated fat content.


Avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea and sugary carbonated drinks. Caffeine is a stimulant and reacts quickly with the muscles and the lining of the intestines, again aggravating the gut movement, increasing the spasms.


Foods to Increase


Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, which include rice, oats, rye, quinoa, barley, millet and buckwheat. Plenty of fresh well cooked vegetables introduced into the diet very slowly with soups and stews. Stewed fruits in small amounts.


Include fresh nuts and seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower seeds), cold pressed oils and oily fish (tuna, mackerel, herrings, pilchards, salmon) to supply essential fatty acids that are anti-inflammatory.


Lean, organic chicken or turkey and fish can supply good animal protein. Include live yoghurt with no added sugar to encourage a healthy gut flora.


Increase dietary fibre slowly to encourage gut motility and peristalsis, particularly if constipation is a major symptom. Oat bran, prune juice, cooked vegetables, lentils and pulses. In some cases high fibre foods make symptoms worse.


Drink two litres of water daily — taken away from meals and sipped slowly to avoid stress on the kidneys. For variety drink diluted fruit juices, organic vegetables juices and herbal teas (chamomile, peppermint and fennel)



Email now to book a FREE consultation.

By | 2018-05-24T14:20:30+00:00 May 25th, 2012|blog|0 Comments